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Cosmic Radiance Discovery - Medical Intuition


Please join me on a deeper inward journey of self-discovery to learn how to tap into your inner being, find what is blocking your energy fields and energetic bodies, how to dowse and how to develop your psychic senses to see/sense what is really going on for you.

So what is Medical Intuition?

Well, it is a wonderful skill that some can do and others come to develop through practice. It is known as spiritual healing and is the ability to intuitively body scan in a meditative state and see what the body looks like in the mind’s eye.

By developing this ability, it gives you the power to locate abnormal energy, remove negative entities and create a road map to deal with any presenting issues for the highest and best through Creator.

Coming soon! This exciting module is being developed right now!

This new 9th module of Cosmic Radiance is currently being developed - And I'm super excited about it!!  It is deeply inspired by the collaborative work undertaken by myself and Geoffrey C. Morell over the years we have worked so closely together.

Would you like to develop your Medical Intuition?

Contact me here to let me know if you want be one of the first to hear when my new Cosmic Radiance module is ready. 

Acknowledgement to Geoffrey Morell, my mentor and friend 2008 to 2024.

Acknowledgement to Geoffrey Morell, my mentor and friend 2008 to 2024.

I have had one of the best learning experiences working beside Mr Geoffrey Morell and his spiritual, energetic healing technique that’s is based around dowsing and intuitive scanning which helps to identify and rectify energy blocks to bring the body back into balance once more. GEOFFREY C. MORELL, a medical intuitive and energy healer says "We are all our own healers and by knowing that, we can all tap into our intuitive abilities. By so doing, we can address concerns and issues with better clarity to ease ourselves back into rebalanced health"

I had the pleasure of meeting Geoffrey in 2006 at a talk in Auckland and we seamlessly melded together after that upon regular visits to New Zealand when I found I had become his unofficial 'PA'. I just loved hosting him and since 2010 assisted in organising his intro workshops, talks, a very well attended healing clinic where the Clendinning practitioners all worked together as a group, standardised the workshops into to levels of seminars, created structured class teaching materials and taught the 5 teachers. It has been real fun as Geoffrey is such a wonderful inspiration; full of zest for life.

In February 2014 I became Geoffrey's first recognised advanced teacher of his Clendinning Technique and then during the 2021 lockdown phase I created a Zoom method of direct practice and facilitated the teachers and practitioners to work remotely like this to help people globally in their homes.

Footnote: Due to an external matter that is out of our control, please note that from January 2024 I refrain from working under the name of Clendinning as a teacher/ practitioner; however please be assured that Geoffrey is appreciative of the stance of his teachers and remains supportive. He is in contact with us all and we honour Geoffrey and his work.


Here are two videos of Geoffrey and I in our previous capacity which I think you will enjoy

watching - Please note this is all about The Clendinning Technique.

Contact Information

Pip Hense, Cambridge, New Zealand
t: +64 (0) 27 903 1732

Please visit my Discover Success Academy website:


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