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Learn Being in Colour

Being in Colour courses I offer

I own and have used oracle cards for many years; mostly at the time when I sought inner guidance for myself. You don’t always want to go to see someone or speak to others and hear their opinions. I have felt that they have generally been very helpful; just selecting one in the morning can set you up for a happier day.

At a time of ill health and personal crisis I developed the Being in Colour® technique based upon the coping and recovery process I was in. Tapping into this deep experience of infertility and then cancer it became the hardest and yet most productive time of my life. I have always been a health advocate in some way or other (a nurse and later a midwife) and here I was learning to tap into my intuition like never before.

Through channeling and study I also learnt how to understand the ancient aspects of Earth, Air, Fire, Water and the Metal elements along with the help of the "Beings of Colour" and the vibrational healing connection. The end result being a wonderful standalone colour card and questioning process with a modern twist, that helps identify a person's true purpose and path by sifting away the clutter. These cards have proven time and time again to be very accurate as they access your inner truth in such a simple easy way.

The Being in Colour® process works well alongside other techniques to open up dialogue between the practitioner and the client and assists you to Be the best you can be Now.


Being in Colour® can easily be learnt through just reading through the book and lot's of practise or attending the workshops either in person or online via Zoom as the Toolkit is very comprehensive it works both ways. If you prefer learning in a concentrated fashion, please inquire about taking a Being in Colour class and also becoming a facilitator of Being in Colour Classes. 

I offer 5 Being in Colour trainings that are learned in succession, starting with Being in Colour Level 1.

  • Being in Colour Level 1 - Teaches you how to complete a basic card reading for yourself.

  • Being in Colour Level 1 Facilitator - Certifies you as a Being in Colour Level 1 Facilitator who can provide a basic card reading to clients for a fee.

  • Being in Colour Level 2 - Teaches you how to complete a full 10 card reading for yourself.

  • Being in Colour Level 2 Facilitator - Certifies you as a Being in Colour Level 2 Facilitator who can provide a full 10 card reading to clients for a fee.

  • Being in Colour Teacher - Certifies you as a teacher of the Being in Colour card reading process

Learn more about Being in Colour Level 1 and Level 1 Facilitator.
Learn more about Being in Colour Level 2 and Level 2 Facilitator.
Learn more about Being in Colour Teacher Certification.


I tend to cover the North Island of New Zealand and Barbara Dixon-Grant covers the South Island; however please note that both Barbara and I are very happy to travel and teach anywhere and can reach online too so so just ask. I have taught in America, Australia, the UK and Holland so far.

I would like to mention here that I have also created the Cosmic Radiance DISCOVERY Rainbow Healing Technique alongside the Cosmic Radiance Discover book of the same name. These interactive modules incorporate all aspects of the Being in Colour® process in eight entry-level modules and four advanced days. So perhaps that is something you would like to look at too- it's really fun and helps you develop your intuition and application.

Divine pathway readings
by Pip

You will be drawn to contact me because you seek an answer to a challenge you are facing. Firstly I will help you to create a more peaceful mind and then by utilising a combo of Being in Colour Cards and Tarot deck, I assist you to unravel your mind chatter to create two Divine pathways.

This process is visually inspiring and works simply just by asking your question, then witnessing the unfoldment of two possible positive alternatives through the tangible use of two amazing card sets. Then you will be better set to make that right decision. By reflecting back to that which created this moment helps create a better future, today
"Be that self that one truly is"

Purchase my Being in Colour Card Toolkit from my store here.

Purchase my Cosmic Radiance Discovery book from my store here.

Contact Information

Pip Hense, Cambridge, New Zealand
t: +64 (0) 27 903 1732

Please visit my Discover Success Academy website:


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