CLICK HERE to find out if there are any upcoming classes, workshops or seminars!

Welcome to 
Lady of the Rainbow Heart


Working as an international presenter and author, ThetaHealing and Reiki instructor, practitioner and mentor, my passion in healing enables discerning seekers of light to feel empowered in health, wealth, happiness and love.

Through impactful release I show you how easy you can manifest the necessary changes to achieve your goals by identifying emotional, mental and soulful limitations and building upon core strengths to be the best that you can be now.

Natural, holistic or complementary healing are all terms that describe what I offer as a health advocate and spiritual practitioner.
I use the term "healer" as one who considers the body as a whole in mind, body and soul. Your body is constantly regenerating and is amazing.

I work with you like a guide assisting you to reconnect with your senses, emotions, feelings, patterns and beliefs to find more peace in your life by working through any dis-ease. I can either offer you one-on-one sessions or seminars and workshops on a number of healing modalities.

Philippa Joy Vaibhavi Hense

Upcoming Events and Seminars

Check here often to see if I have any of the following classes scheduled:

You can register as a learner or refresher!

Please contact me if you are interested in any of my courses. If none are shown here please enquire anyway as I may be able to make one available for you.

Mentor Support

I am available to mentor you. I have many years of helping facilitate those wishing for more clarity and a sounding board.
I run support groups for students too. Please contact me if you are interested. POA

Contact Information

Pip Hense, Cambridge, New Zealand
t: +64 (0) 27 903 1732

Please visit my Discover Success Academy webpage:


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