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Medical Intuition or Spiritual Healing

Medical Intuition is a practitioner’s ability (whilst in a meditative state) to scan a person’s body to identify any abnormal energy, remove negative entities and establish a roadmap to deal with any presenting issues for the client’s highest and best. I am guided by my connection to God, The Creator, the highest connection to source.

A testimonial from a client who had a Medical Intuition session with me:

"Hi Pip!
Once again I have marked and sustained improvement from your treatment. Thank you sooooo much. I’m implementing your suggestions and I know they’re helping too. Your insights were spot on and amazing. Wow
You’re an amazing healer Pip and a gift to humanity. Thank you for your kindness, your generosity, and your willingness to just keep going, and going, and going. (Like the energizer bunny). I have been blessed, as have so many others that you have helped. Thank you, thank you, thank you."
TB Kallispell


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